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КМСкладной детский электросамокат VR 46 Kiddy, 10 пневматических бескамерных шин, безопасные двойные тормоза, максимальная скорость 12 км/ч, запас хода
KIDDY Valentino Rossi is a passion that brings people together and KIDDY is not just a toy but also the first e-scooter for the youngest members of the family. The playful shape and the liveliness of the fluorescent yellow and electric blue colours will stimulate the imagination of fans of “THE DOCTOR”, so they can have fun in safety, as they grow up and be inspired by the legend! Features Light Weight 9.4Kg 10 Pneumatic Tubeless Tyre Size: 10" Anti-Puncture Tire Dual brakes Safe Easy to Handle Speed Limiter - Up to 12 Km per hour for kids Ages - 6 to 10 years old <img styl0 263263RUB263RUB

Складной детский электросамокат VR 46 Kiddy, 10 пневматических бескамерных шин, безопасные двойные тормоза, максимальная скорость 12 км/ч, запас хода в Майкопе
KIDDY Valentino Rossi is a passion that brings people together and KIDDY is not just a toy but also the first e-scooter for the youngest members of the family. The playful shape and the liveliness of the fluorescent yellow and electric blue colours will stimulate the imagination of fans of “THE DOCTOR”, so they can have fun in safety, as they grow up and be inspired by the legend! Features Light Weight 9.4Kg 10 Pneumatic Tubeless Tyre Size: 10" Anti-Puncture Tire Dual brakes Safe Easy to Handle Speed Limiter - Up to 12 Km per hour for kids Ages - 6 to 10 years old ![]()
Cooldie новейший электрический самокат, максимальная дальность батареи 80-100 км $1,363.85
Cooldie новейший электрический самокат, максимальная дальность батареи 80-100 км $1,363.85
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Папа с сыном кататься на электросамокате.
Папа с сыном кататься на электросамокате.
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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